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BSA Scouting Troop 100 Open House

Date and Time for this Past Event


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BSA Scouting Troop 100, a non-denominational troop, is hosting an open house on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:15 PM at Saint Ann's Church near Friendship Heights.  Troop 100 scouts range in age from 11 to 18 (6th - 12 grade) and attend public, independent, and charter schools.  The troop meets weekly, camps and hikes monthly, attends annual high adventure trips, and participates in community service events.  Troop 100 is the oldest Troop in Washington D.C. and recently celebrated its 100th anniversary.   (The Troop is exploring the option of adding a girl troop. If interested, please email us.). You can learn more about Troop 100 at or on the Troop 100 Facebook page.  If you have any questions or would like to visit on a different night, please contact


Location: Saint Ann’s is located in Tenleytown, on Tenley Circle at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue NW and Yuma Street NW.  The entrance is to the left of the main church steps on Wisconsin Avenue.  To the left is an iron gate.  Proceed through it to the door at the end of the walkway.